§ 17-52-203.5. Election to determine whether study committee should be established.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The county legislative body shall hold an election under this section if:
    (a) the county legislative body adopts a resolution under Subsection 17-52-202(1); or
    (b) a petition filed under Subsection 17-52-203(1) is certified by the county clerk under Subsection 17-52-203(3).
    (2) Each election under Subsection (1) shall be a special election, called and held as required by Sections 20A-1-203 and 20A-1-204 after:
    (a) adoption of a resolution under Subsection 17-52-202(1); or
    (b) certification of a petition under Subsection 17-52-203(3).
    (3) The county clerk shall prepare the ballot for each election under Subsection (1) with a question that asks substantially as follows:
         "Shall a study committee be appointed to consider and possibly recommend a change in the form of government of _________________________ County?"
Amended by Chapter 371, 2004 General Session